

Tidal Pools

After a lovely first night in Washington, where we ate sandwiches in front of our window overlooking the beach, we turned it early so we could get up bright and early at 5am (low tide) to go tidal pooling.  The beach right outside Kalaloch is a little restricted for tidal pooling because the little creek next to the property runs down into the water, making it difficult to cross to the rocks.  So we hopped into the car and headed to Beach 4, just five minutes up the road.

View of Beach 4

It was rainy so some of my photos are a little gloomy, but we still had fun.  We saw barnacles, mussels, anemone, snails and star fish.

Both beaches were pretty empty, probably because of the rain. 

Ruby Beach

This guy was barely hanging onto a rock so we decided to pick him up for a second to see what he felt like and so I could take a quick photo.

And then we quickly put him back on a his rock while the waves were out!

We found this giant banana slug amongst the driftwood!

And then we spotted this guy on the way back to the car, just munching on some grass in the rain.

Despite the rain, we still got to see some cool creatures and we had a blast.  Though I would totally love to go back in the summer when the weather is a little better and see some sea urchins.  Have you ever been tidal pooling?  Or does getting up at 5am to look at sea creatures sound completely insane to you?

Also, happy Friday everyone!  Any exciting plans in the works this weekend?  My sis and I are heading home to see my grandpa who's recovering from his hip surgery.  It'll be good to see him and my grandma!

**A little blog update, I changed the commenting parameters and now anyone should be able to comment on my blog without signing in.  So, please, say hi sometime and let me know you're out there!


  1. Hi. I love those photos as they're bringing back good memories of our time there.

  2. You are awesome and so are your pictures. See you tomorrow early and not for tidal pooling. :)

  3. Incredible! I love those purple and orange starfish, I had seen those in Vancouver also. Very cool! Nice that you got a banana slug too!
