

Blueberry Picking

Blueberry picking has become a yearly tradition for Antoine and I.  We've been going every year for probably four years now and we love it.  Fresh picked blueberries are the best, hands down.  Last year the drought killed off most of the blueberry bushes in the Cincinnati area and the birds ravaged what was left.  So we were unable to go to our usual blueberry picking spot, Rouster's Apple House, and instead drove 4+ hours to a place in Eastern Ohio and picked in the rain.  While we still had a good time last year, we were glad to hear that Rouster's had an abundant amount of blueberries this year.  So, we got up early Saturday morning, made a quick stop at Panera for some blueberry picking fuel and then headed to Milford.  As usual, it was a fun way to spend a Saturday morning...

Luckily the weather was wonderful!  It didn't rain and it wasn't too warm either.  We only ended up picking 9lbs, which isn't much for us, but I'm actually going again with Saturday since she couldn't make it this weekend.  As usual, I spent a majority of my time taking pictures and eating the blueberries rather than picking them, but that's half the fun of it!  Stay tuned this summer for a variety of blueberry treats and recipes.  I've already got one in the works now that I started last night...we'll see how it turns out! *fingers crossed*

Have you ever been blueberry picking?  I like it because most of the bushes are at standing level so there's not much crouching down and you don't have to use any crazy contraptions, like with apple picking.  And there's no thorns...damned raspberry bushes! 

*Photos taken with my Nikon D3100 with a Nikon 50mm lens and a +2 filter.

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