

My Grandpa

A week ago today I found out that my grandpa had passed away.  The past week has been rough for my family and me.  My grandpa, William Bruce Jr., was a well loved and respected man.  He was a WWII veteran, a leader in the Boy Scouts, a father of three, grandfather of four, great grandfather, and devoted husband of almost 70 years; and so much more!  He lived a full, rich 92 years and was one of the sharpest and smartest people I have ever known.
Grandpa at work in the Army Airway Communication System during WWII.

Antoine and I made our way to the Cleveland area the day following the news to be with family.  We had been asked by one of my aunts to scan some photos of grandpa for a slide show, so we spent most of Friday going through albums upon albums with my grandma and mom and scanning any photos of him we could find.  I cherished that day.  I got to see so many photos I had never seen before and hear stories about my grandparents that these photos brought to life.  It was an incredibly fulfilling day for me and greatly helped the grieving process.  We scanned over a hundred photos that day, but I'd like to share some of my favorites with you now.
My favorite photo of grandpa and I, taken when I was about 3 years old.  

My grandpa and grandma, before my grandpa headed off to war and before they were married.

Antoine and I also scanned a bunch of news clippings, several poems my grandpa had written, and this letter from my grandpa to my grandma, in which he asks her to marry him while he's serving over in Europe during the war and she's back in Amherst, OH.  How amazing is that?!

Newly married after grandpa returned from the war.

My grandparents both loved the outdoors and traveling!  My grandpa had been to all but three of the US states, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska...all of which I think he would have absolutely loved.

He loved to fish, play cards (and he was crazy good at it!), do word puzzles, and cross-stitch.  In fact, he taught me how to cross-stitch and play pool when I was a little girl.

Another favorite photo of grandpa and me, out of focus, but who cares!

My grandparents both mean so much to me.  They both taught me so many things and I have such fond memories of spending summers with them.  As I grew up, they encouraged my studies and intently listened about my job or my/our travels.  My favorite part was when they would tell me stories about their adventures.  I can't imagine not having him around.  There is an obvious void now in my family that cannot be filled, but the photos and the memories help.  Before leaving my grandma's house I boxed up nearly all her albums so that I can begin the process of scanning all her photos (which is a lot!).  While it will be a long process, it will also be a rewarding one and, I hope, it will offer some more closure for me and my family.


  1. Amazing photos and an amazing man.So sorry for your loss.

  2. Jessica what an awesome job on this. Every single photo of Uncle Billy is how I remember him. I'm so glad that I spent the day with him, Aunt June and your Mom when I was in OH in September. We have another angel in heaven.
