

A Hike, or Two, in Hocking Hills

Oh, hi there.  Remember me?  Did you think I'd fallen off the face of the earth or my computer exploded or something?  Nope.  I just needed a little break from the blog and from editing photos, I guess.  But hopefully I've gotten my drive to edit back, because I sure as hell have a ton or photos to go through!  And I'm going to have a lot more in the coming months, what with a couple upcoming trips and Spring flowers popping up everywhere!  So in preparation for all that, here are some photos from November...yep, that's right, November (don't judge me too much!).  This past November my parents, sister, brother-in-law, Antoine, and I went to Hocking Hills for our annual family cabin weekend where we celebrate my dad's birthday and Thanksgiving, all in one fell swoop!  I decided to share some pictures from out little walk in the woods one afternoon.

We started off in Conkle's Hollow so my parents could come along, since it's a paved, short hike and usually not as crowded as some of the other Hocking Hills spots.  As it was November, there were still some remnants of snow and ice from the day before and it was quite chilly.
My dad posing in a cave.

After Conkle's Hollow my parents headed back to the vacation rental we were staying at the the kids proceed back up the road to Old Man's Cave, which I had been to in ages.  And boy has it changed since the last time I was there.  It was also super crowded, in comparison to Conkle's Hollow.  We stopped into the visitor's center for a second, so everyone could go to the restroom and whatnot.  While waiting on the others I spotted these guys and couldn't resist taking their picture.

Well, that's all for now.  I'll be back in a day or two with more photos, but until then...happy Monday!

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