

Cleveland History Center

Hi!  I know it's been a long time, but I've had a lot of stuff going on lately (fun stuff, not so fun stuff, etc) and I really haven't had time or energy to blog...and frankly I kind of forgot about it.  Oopsy!  So, because I'm a bad blogger I'm just going to photo-dump some really old photos on you.  Yep, it's happening.  These are from early 2015 when I went to Cleveland to visit my dear HLP for her birthday (I's been so long!).  She had the brilliant idea of checking out the Cleveland History Center, which neither of us had been too.  It was very cool and I would recommend it to anyone!  Now, commence photo dump of cars, planes, dresses, and a carousel (all located in the History Center)...
Drooling over this ceiling!

With admission into the History Center you also get two tokens to ride the carousel!
My favorite horse!

Second ride on the carousel...
My bestest, Amanda.

Hopefully I'll get back to this blogging and sharing photos on a more regular basis soon.  I'm actually taking a photography class this fall, so hopefully I'll have photos to share on the regular!  Truthfully, it's been ages since I pulled my camera out of my camera bag and I feel horrible about it.  So, that should be remedied very soon!  Until next time...